A fast and tasty dish. Grille bell pepper and chicken breast. With a salad, avocado, and a balsamic sauce for an added kick.


Roasted bell pepper wrap

A fast and tasty dish. Grille bell pepper and chicken breast. With a salad, avocado, and a balsamic sauce for an added kick.

preparation time:

25 min.

number of servings:



2 Dijo Multigrain tortillas
– Iceberg lettuce
– chicken breast fillet
– ripe avocado
– red bell pepper
– Dijo Balsamico Classic sauce

Multigrain Tortilla



Classic Balsamic Suce



Preparation guidelines

1st step


Grill or fry the chicken breasts with little oil (you can also bread them beforehand).

2nd step


Fry the pepper or grill it on a grilling pan.

3rd step


Wash the avocado, peel it, remove the pit, and dice it.

4th step


Heat up the Dijo Multigrain tortilla in an oven, microwave oven or fry it on a preheated frying pan without adding oil (45s on each side).

5th step


Spread the Dijo Balsamico Classic sauce on the tortilla, put all the ingredients and wrap.

Join the tortilla fun!
Join the sauce fun!

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