Soft and fluffy Italian dessert with mascarpone cheese. Beloved all around the world. In this recipe, served with advocaat. It’s a marvelous combination!


Tiramisu with Advocaat sauce

Soft and fluffy Italian dessert with mascarpone cheese. Beloved all around the world. In this recipe, served with advocaat. It’s a marvelous combination!

preparation time:

35 min.

number of servings:



– 500 g of mascarpone cheese
– 2 eggs
– 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar
– 15 round sponge biscuits
– 4 teaspoons of instant coffee
– hot water
– 100 ml of Dijo Advocaat sauce
– a teaspoon of sugar

Advocat sauce



Preparation guidelines

1st step


Scald the eggs.

2nd step


Beat the egg whites to stiff peaks.

3rd step


Beat the egg yolks with powdered sugar in a water bath; add mascarpone cheese and stir.

4th step


Dissolve the coffee and sugar in warm water.

5th step


Add the egg whites to the mascarpone cheese mixture and stir gently until uniform.

6th step


Soak the sponge biscuits in brewed coffee, put on the bottom of a glass cup, and cover them with the mixture – repeat this step until you fill the cup.

7th step


Serve with Dijo Advocaat sauce. You can also add the sauce to the coffee. If you do, use less water to dissolve the instant coffee.

Join the sauce fun!

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