Great recipe for excellent breakfast. With your favorite cereal, fruit, and yogurt. And whipped cream, if that’s how you like it.


Fruity Morning breakfast dessert

Great recipe for excellent breakfast. With your favorite cereal, fruit, and yogurt. And whipped cream, if that’s how you like it.

preparation time:

20 min.

number of servings:



– your favorite breakfast cereal (corn, coconut, granola)
– plain yogurt (you can also use light yogurt)
Dijo Cherries in gel or Dijo Strawberries in gel
– canned whipped cream

Gel Fruit Cherries



Gel fruit strawberries



Preparation guidelines

1st step


Add a layer of your favorite breakfast cereal into wide glasses (or cups).

2nd step


Cover the cereal with a fairly thick layer of plain yogurt and the DIJO fruit in gel of your choice.

3rd step


Decorate the dessert with a spoon of yogurt or whipped cream and a mint leaf.

Join the fruit fun!

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