A dessert for Mascarpone cheese fans. Served in an original and appetizing way in a crispy tortilla bowl. And to make things sweeter – with raspberries in gel!


Mini tortilla

A dessert for Mascarpone cheese fans. Served in an original and appetizing way in a crispy tortilla bowl. And to make things sweeter – with raspberries in gel!

preparation time:

25 min.

number of servings:



– Dijo Mini tortilla
– Dijo Raspberries in gel
– Mascarpone cheese

Wheat Tortilla



Gel fruit raspberries



Preparation guidelines

1st step


Bend the Dijo Mini tortilla into a shape of a small bowl and bake it in an oven.

2nd step


When it cools down, add all the ingredients. Enjoy!

Join the tortilla fun!


1st step


Spread the Mascarpone cheese on the Dijo Mini tortilla; add Dijo raspberries in gel.

2nd step


Bake the tortilla in an oven. Enjoy!

Join the tortilla fun!
Join the fruit fun!

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