Original dessert with exquisite mint aroma. Baked tortilla filled with delicious, sweet, and juicy fruit.


Mint treat

Original dessert with exquisite mint aroma. Baked tortilla filled with delicious, sweet, and juicy fruit.

preparation time:

10 min.

number of servings:



– Dijo Grilled Tortilla
– Dijo Cherries in gel
– ripe mango
– mint

Grilled Tortilla



Gel Fruit Cherries



Preparation guidelines

1st step


Roast the Dijo Grilled Tortilla briefly; put the Dijo Cherries in gel and fresh diced mango on the wrap.

2nd step


Add mint to taste and bake the tortilla in an oven.

Join the fruit fun!
Join the tortilla fun!

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