A no-bake cheesecake is one of kind treat for your palate. And this one is special – with pieces of chocolate in a creamy cheese filling and served with cherry sauce.

No-bake cheesecake with stracciatella and Cherry sauce
A no-bake cheesecake is one of kind treat for your palate. And this one is special – with pieces of chocolate in a creamy cheese filling and served with cherry sauce.
preparation time:
55 min.
number of servings:
– 700 g of smooth cottage cheese
– ½ cup of milk
– round sponge biscuits
– 50 g of chocolate flakes
– 1 rounded teaspoon of gelatin powder
– 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar
– Dijo Cherry sauce
Cherry sauce
Preparation guidelines
1st step
Put baking paper on a springform pan; put a layer of biscuits on the bottom of the pan.
2nd step
Pour milk into a saucepan; add gelatin; stir with a whisk.
3rd step
Put the milk with gelatin on small heat for about 8-10 minutes (until the gelatin dissolves) stirring all the time; add powdered sugar.
4th step
Slowly add the cottage cheese, stirring vigorously.
5th step
Cool the mixture and add chocolate flakes – stir lightly.
6th step
Pour it onto the biscuit base; even out the surface and refrigerate for about 2 hours – until the cheesecake sets.
7th step
Cut the cake into slices; serve with Dijo Cherry sauce.
Join the sauce fun!