A tasty vegetarian dish. Healthy and nutritious. With couscous, red peppers, guacamole, and curry sauce. Intriguing flavor


Tortilla with couscous

A tasty vegetarian dish. Healthy and nutritious. With couscous, red peppers, guacamole, and curry sauce. Intriguing flavor.

preparation time:

25 min.

number of servings:



– 1 Dijo wheat tortilla
– couscous
– red bell pepper
– lime juice
– curry sauce
– guacamole

Wheat Tortilla



Preparation guidelines

1st step


Heat up the Dijo Wheat tortilla and put couscous, chopped pepper, guacamole, and curry sauce in the center of the tortilla.

2nd step


Sprinkle with lime juice and wrap.

3rd step


Serve cold or hot.

Join the tortilla fun!

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