Children just love muffins. And these are filled with toffee and almond flakes. They will easily win anyone over.


Muffins with toffee and roasted almonds

Children just love muffins. And these are filled with toffee and almond flakes. They will easily win anyone over.

preparation time:

45 min.

number of servings:



– 140 g of flour
– 100 g of butter
– 2 eggs
– 2 teaspoons of baking powder
– 6 tablespoons of milk
– 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar
– a pinch of salt
– 2 tablespoons of oil
– 9 tablespoons of Dijo Toffee confectionery filling
– 12 teaspoons of Dijo Toffee confectionery filling (for decorating the muffins)

– almond flakes for decoration

Toffee confectionery fillings



Preparation guidelines

1st step


Stir flour, baking powder, vanilla sugar, and salt together.

2nd step


Melt the butter and cool.

3rd step


Stir butter, eggs, Dijo Toffee filling, milk and oil together.

4th step


Add the wet ingredients to the flour and stir.

5th step


Put paper liners into a muffin mold; put the batter into each liner and put 1 teaspoon of Dijo Toffee filling on top.

6th step


Sprinkle with almond flakes.

7th step


Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C for about 20 minutes.

Join the filling fun!

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