A different kind of hot-dog. Not in a bun, but in a tortilla. With your favorite type of sausage, roasted onion, cheese and ketchup.


Grill Hot Dog

A different kind of hot-dog. Not in a bun, but in a tortilla. With your favorite type of sausage, roasted onion, cheese and ketchup.

preparation time:

15 min.

number of servings:



– Dijo Grilled tortilla
– flavored hot-dog sausage (or Frankfurter sausage)
– hard cheese
– ketchup
– roasted onion flakes

Grilled tortilla



Preparation guidelines

1st step

Heat up the Dijo Grill tortilla in an oven, microwave oven or fry it on a preheated frying pan without adding oil (45s on each side).

2nd step

Heat up or grill the sausage, spread ketchup on the tortilla, put all the ingredients and wrap.

Join the tortilla fun!

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