Quick to prepare tasty hot-dog, served in an original way – in a tortilla. With roasted onions, salad rocket, and any other of your favorite ingredients.


Hot Dog

Quick to prepare tasty hot-dog, served in an original way – in a tortilla. With roasted onions, salad rocket, and any other of your favorite ingredients.

preparation time:

10 min.

number of servings:



– 1 Dijo wheat tortilla
– 2 tablespoons of sweet mustard
– 3 slices of any hard cheese
– 1 hot-dog sausage
– a few leaves of salad rocket
– 1 tablespoons of roasted onion flakes

Wheat Tortilla



Preparation guidelines

1st step


Cut both sides of the Dijo wheat tortilla to the length of the sausage; spread sweet mustard on the wrap; put slices of hard cheese, salad rocket, and roasted onion.

2nd step


Boil the sausage in hot water and wrap it in the tortilla.

3rd step


Put the hot-dog on a preheated grilling pan (do not add any oil!); grill it evenly on both sides.

Join the tortilla fun!

See other recipes:


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