A new take on the classic burger – in a tortilla! With chicken breast or pork. Inspired by Mexican cuisine: with chili con carne, nachos, and jalapeño.


Mexican wrap burger

A new take on the classic burger – in a tortilla! With chicken breast or pork. Inspired by Mexican cuisine: with chili con carne, nachos, and jalapeño.

preparation time:

35 min.

number of servings:



– 1 Dijo wheat tortilla
– chicken or pork burger
– chili con carne
– hard cheese
– jalapeño peppers
– nachos

Wheat Tortilla



Preparation guidelines

1st step


Heat up the Dijo Wheat tortilla, put all the ingredient in the center of the wrap, add chili con carne, put nachos on top to make the burger crispier.

2nd step


Fold the sides of the tortilla and bake it.

3rd step


Cut the baked tortilla in half, giving it an appetizing and original pocket shape.

Join the tortilla fun!

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